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New york city in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+4Posted:2017-04-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: citypaucityatrocitycapacityrapacitysagacityscarcityaudacityMeaning: n. the largest city in New York State and in the United States; located in southeastern New York at the mouth of the Hudson river; a major financial and cultural center. 
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121 In 1789, the US House of Representatives held its first full meeting, in New York City.
122 A borough of New York City in southeast New York, mainly on Manhattan Island at the north end of New York Bay.
123 Fedexwhiteout cross walk ad A print of a cup of Folgers coffee was placed on top of manhole covers in New York City, USA.
124 reporters bribed New York City police officers to provide information about 9/11 victims—Newcomb thinks U.S. prosecutors will leave these matters to the British authorities.
125 1783 - American Revolutionary War: The last British troops leave New York City three months after the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
126 Meryl Pearlstein, a New York City public relations executive and writer, experienced that last summer when her son, Evan, returned home after freshman year at the University of Vermont.
127 42nd Street, a hugely successful stage musical, tells the story of an up-and-coming chorus girl who hails from Allentown, Pennsylvania, and arrives in New York City to pursue a Broadway career.
128 Kruger first became interested in studying the effects of gender imbalance on the marriage market when he caught a glimpse of a magazine cover on a trip to New York City.
129 Does this flight lay over at Great Falls on its way to New York city?
130 In New York City, for example, the former Floyd Bennett Field naval base lies fallow.
131 Coastal areas across the mid-Atlantic remained under hurricane warnings as evacuations of over 300, 000 people in New York City continued.
132 October 22nd,1883, The Metropolitan Opera House in New York City opens with a performance of Gounod's Faust (opera).
133 Mr and Mrs Bixby lived in a smallish apartment somewhere in New York City.
134 Consider a prescription for a retinoid like tretinoin to minimize signs of aging such as uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and age spots, says Bobby Buka, MD, a New York City dermatologist.
135 But first, the family was planning to celebrate Lulu's 15th birthday. They were taking her and eight of her friends to New York City. For a sleepover.
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136 Screen legend Sophia Loren points out her prominent eyes at the premiere for Doctor Zhivago at the Americana Hotel in New York City in 1965.
137 In fact, in New York City, there are dozens of diners that serve homemade borscht.
138 Says Rabbi Moshe Tendler, professor of both biology and biblical law at Yeshiva University in New York City: "I can make myself an Albert Ehistein, and he may turn out to be a drug addict."
139 New York City seems to be a hot spot for flashers.
140 Ferial, kusama restraint and quiet, young Oriental female faces in New York city art is very fresh, But in performance, she crazily, completely release even nudity.
141 A channel in New York City separating the northern end of Manhattan Island from the Bronx. With Spuyten Duyvil Creek it connects the Hudson and East rivers.
142 New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said police have been doing strict control measures, including dealing with a terrorist dirty bomb may be cast.
143 Though it is Saturday afternoon, the streets of New York City are silent as the grave.
144 She spent many years in New York City performing on Broadway, Off-Broadway and regional stages.
145 Born in 1948 in Shreveport, Louisiana, Marilyn Minter lives and works in New York City.
146 Simon Winchester was born and educated in England, has lived in Africa, Ireland, India and China, and now lives in New York city and the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts.
147 The 21-year-old actress joined the star in his dressing room after watching him perform in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre in New York City.
148 Adibi added that many factors are different in New York City and Krakow - such as diet, lifestyle, ethnicity and other contaminants.
149 Since then, Dante Arete has climbed the ladder in the New York City narcotics scene, and recently he went national.
150 A woodsman was walking down Fifth Street in New York City with a friend.
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